Congratulations to the winners from our WMSFC Leaderboard!
A new year has started, please take note of our updated rules:
Remember to sign up and become a member!
1. Scales MUST be set to zero before weighing fish.
2. All fish MUST be caught on a fishing rod or hand line.
3. Fish MUST NOT BE caught on set line, by net, or speargun.
4. All fish MUST be caught on the day of entry into the book and witnessed on that day.
5. All fish MUST be caught by a financial club member, and NOT a passenger.
6. Family members or passengers who are NOT a club member may NOT enter fish into the book.
7. Anyone on the boat or from another boat can witness the fish for the financial club member weighing in their fish,it has to be witnessed by someone other than the person who caught the fish.
8. You MUST have launched from the Wharf Street Slipway.
9. A picture of the fish caught on our clubroom scales will be required, No picture - No prize.
Photos from WMSFC's Annual Wellington Anniversary Competition Prizegiving